Littleroot Cup

What is the Littleroot Cup?

The Littleroot Cup is a 3 month circuit that is open to everyone! It gives everyone a place to play and earn points for our big Invitational event at the end!

How do I participate?

You can always check the LRL Calendar on the front page of our website, or follow us on our twitter (@LRLessons) or on our Discord, where we will always post links to sign up.

Tell me more!

There is so much to tell! Instead of us listing everything out here, check out the FAQ here.

Looking to Qualify for the Invitational?

You can earn points by playing in our events. Both Rumbles and the Dojo award differing amounts of points, but all go towards earning one of the coveted spots to make it into our Invitational!

Sign ups for all of our events can be found through our discord or twitter, and will be posted well in advance before the event is supposed to take place!

Format for Rumbles and the Dojo will always be the most current Ruleset for VGC! You can check out the full standings here!